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When Athletes go Against the Grain

When a person is said to be going against the grain, he is doing the exact opposite of what he normally does. He is not doing what is expected of him. When Colin Kaepernick decided not to stand for the National Anthem, he went against the grain. He chose to do something that was not expected of him. Nobody expects athletes to have a voice. Let alone, use it to make a political statement.

Professional athletes have provided a smidgen of hope during these agonizing days by speaking out against police violence. But you and I both know that a smidgen isn’t enough. Gone are the days where advice from the owner or the coach was “Shut up and play”. Not while there are Black bodies that are falling at the hands of those whose job is to serve and protect. {insert ‘How Are We Supposed To Act…’ article here}.

Athletes have been becoming more and more vocal, be it via social media, political gestures, or simply, their actual voices. They are taking stands and being heard.

It’s almost surprising now when athletes don’t speak out. Since the killings of Michael Brown, Tamir Rice and Eric Garner in 2014, athletes have been taking a political stance, everywhere. Whether it has been by not standing during the National Anthem, waving a pro-black fist at Wimbledon, or tweeting to your millions of followers #blacklivesmatter. Athletes have been becoming more and more vocal, be it via social media, political gestures, or simply, their actual voices. They are taking stands and being heard.

I’m with Kaepernick on this. Since taking his stand, by not standing. “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”


Media and fans alike have been saying for years that Black athletes are apolitical and that there will never be another Muhammad Ali or a Jim Brown. But when Black athletes go against the grain and actually speak up (Carmelo Anthony, Serena Williams and of course, Colin Kaepernick) and take a stance against racism they are met with scorn, criticism, and disproval. People respect the Ali’s of the world when they can look at his political ways and actions in the rear view mirror but can’t face the activism in real time. I actually heard some white commentators question whether there is a thing, such as Black oppression. Really? Salute to athletes using their voice, their platform, and their power. I can’t wait to see how 49ers head coach Chip Kelly, treats Kaepernick. I’m And. I bet you, from his actions, we’ll know if Chip Kelly supports Donald Trump or not.

I applaud athletes who stand up against racism and bigotry in this country. After the filmed deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, athletes’ statements are starting up yet again. I applaud Carmelo Anthony. I applaud Serena Williams. I applaud Cheryl Reeve. Bill Russell. Lebron James. I applaud each of these athletes, and the many more, who use their voice and power to reach an audience beyond normal media outlets and political arenas.

Instead of quietly tweeting #alllivesmatter, get out here and show and prove.

Going against the grain isn’t always a bad thing. Especially since we all are not barber students. Standing up for what one believes in is the stand up thing to do. Why you think good people are called stand up guys? But more important than that is the fact that white athletes need to step it up. It’s not a black or white thing. It’s a wrong or right thing. It’s crazy to think that the entire weight of speaking out against these racist murders is placed on the shoulders of Black athletes. Black lives are under constant threat, young and old. Male and female. If white athletes truly care about their Black and Brown teammates then they should take some of this weight. Instead of quietly tweeting #alllivesmatter, get out here and show and prove. Because, it’s not all lives that are in question. It’s not whether or not all lives have meaning. It’s a matter of knowing and understanding that the Black lives that are being mistreated and disregarded as nothing, have value just as much as any other life does. Please listen up, white athletes: If you see something, say something.if you see injustice being done to any person or people, say something. It is the stand up thing to do. Go against the damn grain.

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